Saturday, April 21, 2012


So I thought I should quickly write this post to tell you of the news I received yesterday evening.

It was around 5:30 that my phone rang and when I answered it was my Dr. calling to answer a question I had dealing with my check up coming up, after he had answered my questions he gave me some more news...... Well it turns out after all pathology came back I actually had a baby in each of my tubes and my uterus. I was floored to think that we may have had 3. Though that news was surprising to say the least I am taking it well. He told me he had never seen anything like this. And wasn't quite sure what to say. Leave it to me to have freakishly abnormal things happen lol that's just who I am I guess!!! Well hope we all can enjoy the rest of this beautiful weekend. And I will post more after Monday's visit with the doc. Thanks for reading.


  1. Your doing awsome :) Emotions are good, maybe not so fun when your going through them but they help get you geared up for GREAT times. Your story is inspiring!!! You can do this :)

  2. I love reading every post! Can't wait to see what the future brings. :) casi
