Sunday, January 29, 2012

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Sorry it has taken me so long to post. I have great news though, We met with the nurse coordinator yesterday and have got the ball rolling. We got our calendars and I start Lupron shots on Sunday. Retrieval and transfer dates are set as long as everything goes well with our response to the meds. I am expecting a box from the pharmacy any day and I will post pics. From Sunday we should only have 5-6 weeks til Pregnancy Test (That WILL be a Big Fat Positive)!!!! Positive thinking will get us everywhere in this process, So please send us all of your positive vibes.

We are all incredibly excited and nervous for the best outcome, IM and I have gotten our lucky shirts and socks for the big days. We are going to utilize the luck of the four-leaf clover to aid us on the journey and hope that St. Patty's Day will bring great news. And with that I will end my post by saying as always thank you for reading, Questions and comments are welcomed and encouraged.     

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Short, Sweet and to the Point

Hello everyone we have just received great news! We have gotten the go ahead from, the courts to proceed to the next step. I can not even express how happy and excited I am.
Now we will be getting our calendars for our medication,and tentative retrieval and transfer dates. This news has made my day maybe even week. As always thank you for taking the time to read about our journey, questions and comments are encouraged. I would love to hear from all of you that are reading. P.S. Can I just say YAHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! :) 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Update (sorta)

Hello Everyone, just a small update but an update just the same! For those of you readers that are like me (very impatient) are probably bouncing off the walls with this waiting game, as am I. We did get word from the courts that they have signed one of our motions and now we can move on to the others. But the other ones can take a week or two..... at least we are still moving in the right direction and I need to stay positive or I just may crack lol J/K. I am learning that everything comes in due time and nothing is going to hurry it along. After all this is just a big ol waiting game as pointed out by my IM. Wait for a match, wait for medical clearance, wait for the contracts, wait for courts, wait for meds, wait for retrieval and transfer, wait for a positive test and finally wait 9 months for baby(ies). Need I say more???
1st Lesson as a surrogate...... Patience.
I will be posting again next week unless we hear something sooner than expected. As always comments and/or questions are welcomed. Thanks for reading :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Just a little note

Hello Everyone, Just a little note to let you all know that we are still waiting on word from the lawyer about who our Judge is and when the hearing will be. As I have said before as soon as we get the okay we can move on to the next step which is the hormones to get me and the IM in sync. On another note I hope you all are enjoying your New Year so far. I know us and the IPs are hoping that we will have an incredible journey in 2012. I am going to try to post at least once a week and hope to have some news to share next post. I also have to give a big shout out to all of my supporters that have messaged me it makes a big difference in something like this if you have a lot of support and I obviously do! Thank you all. As always thanks for reading and any questions and comments are always welcome.