Thursday, March 22, 2012

On a Roll

Hello everyone, so we are on a roll beta numbers more then doubled at 427. Yay, so exciting! We have an ultrasound scheduled for April 6th in the afternoon, so we will keep you all updated. Thanks for reading.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Beta numbers are in..........

Drum roll please!!! So the beta numbers are 195! So we are officially pregnant. Yay!!! Most likely I am only carrying a singleton. Not twins, but still happy with what we got. We are very blessed to have this work the 1st time. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. I have another beta test on Wednesday so I will let ya know how it goes, the number should double by then so fingers crossed!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Feeling Positive

Hello everyone, Tomorrow is Beta test and I can say that I am feeling very good about it. In fact I am feeling down right POSITIVE!!!!!! Hahahahahahahaha, I bet you are wondering what I've got up my sleeve....... Well I started peeing on sticks at about 5 days  after the 5 day transfer and got very discouraged by all the negatives I was getting, every morning I was racing to the bathroom with my first mornings urine with high hopes only to get shot down. By Wednesday I  just knew it was all over, it had failed and there for my uterus had failed and that made me emotional, in fact I cried all day. But none the less I just kept testing still getting what I thought were definite negatives, but I had this feeling that I needed to take a second look (which I might add is not supposed to be done because after 10 minutes the test results are not reliable), I dug the last two tests out of the garbage and my thoughts as I looked them over was oh my are my eyes deceiving me..... I see two very very faint positives. Not knowing whether or not to trust my eyes or the timed out tests I had my hubby take a look and see what he thought, he assured me he also saw the lines but he said I'm just not sure you should trust the tests now. With his answers I quickly knew that I should not tell the IPS until I was sure. So as we had planned we would do 1 more test on none other than good ol St. Patty's day and boy oh boy was it our lucky day, still somewhat faint we got a Positive test that didn't come from the trash. I tested again this morning and Got an even darker line, So I'm finally feeling very good about it. This whole process has been nothing short of a miracle and there is only one thing to say and that is Thank God, For if not for him nothing we have done would have ended in this amazing little life/lives that is growing inside my body. I will post tomorrow some time with the beta results so stay tuned and thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ha ha ha just kidding.

My last post said 5 days til transfer, what I meant to write was 5 days til beta test. Ha ha ha sorry to confuse everyone.

5 days til transfer

Just a little post, I am still hopeful everything is going to work out. Just need a little faith, trust, and baby dust. Please keep praying for a great outcome. Thanks for reading my thought on the day :)

Monday, March 12, 2012

2 Week Wait is no joke

Hello everyone, I have heard that the two week wait is no joke and I always thought to myself, I am going to make myself so busy during our 2ww that I wont even think about it and it will fly by. Now I am positive the joke was on me with that idea. First of all it is great excitement with the transfer and thinking how awesome it is to finally be to this point. Then that excitement wears off and I am stuck in bed for 2 days were all I have to think about is what is going to happen, what if this doesn't work, wow this is great, oh my what was that twinge in my uterus, why am I feeling cramps, ect.... you all get the drift. Then I get off bed rest thinking yay now I can get busy and make the next week and a half just fly by, and soon realize that even if I am busy the fact is it is always on my mind.

I am trying to stay positive about the outcome because I have been experiencing some tell tell signs like the cramping and breast tingling and a slight change in body temperature. And all of that is making me crazy because it is way to soon to test. Then I start thinking that I may just be feeling those things due to all the hormones I am taking.I have been talking to IM and she like me is going crazy. The out come of this means the world and then some to them, I am glad that I am not in their shoes because I am going crazy as it is.

I just keep trying to remember what our nurse said at the transfer "After today this is out of all of our hands". Please keep all of us in your prayers in hopes that this huge miracle will happen for these two deserving people. Thanks for reading my ramblings. More to come shortly I'm sure being that we are only 5 days post transfer. And the 1st beta is still a week away.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Transfer day gossip

  Hello everyone, So I am just sitting here in bed with my feet up relaxing, feeling very loved by lots of good friends and family. I am very blessed to have such great people in my life. 

 Okay on to the good stuff! I woke up this morning with a great feeling of  giddiness ,I was like a kid that was heading to Disneyland for the first time. We got to the RE's office and were taken back to the transfer room and then the embryologist came in to let us all know what quality embryos we were going to be working with. The news could not have been better. We all agreed to transfer two embies with a 37% chance of our goal to get twins. So after we did the transfer we got to hang out and chat for about 30 minutes and then I was released to bed rest for 2-3 days.So here I sit,LOL!!!! Everything went great and now I just can't wait for the beta test on the 19th. Prayers for two lil beans growing and doing great in there. Thanks for reading and I will be posting again very soon.

Transfer day pictures

This is right before the transfer Yay!! Wearing our lucky hoodie and socks

This is my yummy gift from the IPS!
Thank you guys, you are the best.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Moving on and Moving in

 Hello Everyone, So IM had her retrieval on Friday, They were able to get 15 eggs. What a great number that is. I was so excited for her, more eggs means more chance of having the best embies we could get. Then it becomes a waiting game, leaving them to fertilize and grow. This morning we got word that out of the 15 eggs 13 were mature,10 fertilized and 9 are growing the way they should be. WOW what awesome eggs!

 Due to how well IPS have done in getting these little babes where they are, We are right on schedule for a Wednesday transfer. I have to just say that I feel like we have been so blessed in this whole process thus far and can only pray that it keeps going so smoothly. From the first meeting up to now there has been no real hold ups and that is the best we could have ever asked for.

 As for me and the wonderful PIO injections it is going day by day the first went great,then the second one hurt like the dickens. Last night went really well again. So I hope that maybe I can be so lucky that the 2nd one was just a bad spot and we will continue to have luck with them. And can I just say that my hubby is doing a great job being the nurse. He is amazing. The day after the always reminds me of the shots as my behind on a daily basis feels as though I have done buns of steel for 12 hours straight.LOL!! But this is exactly what I signed up for and I know that it will all be worth it when I see my IPS holding that lil bundle or bundles in their arms.They are truly two of the best people I have ever met and am so glad I can join them on this journey. Please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers as we enter this final stage of round one and stay tuned for the beginning of round to it is sure to be an exciting ride. As always thank you for reading.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

PIO #1

Say hello to my not so little friend! Hahahaha but it actually wasn't bas at all.....hubby did an awesome job. Thank you babe:)

Another step forward

Hello again everyone, just wanted to quickly let you all know that last night IM triggered ovulation and is going in tomorrow at 10 am for retrieval. I am so excited I can hardly contain myself. The only thing that brings me back from over excitement is knowing I have to have my first PIO shot tonight. I will post a pic of that baby tonight, so you all can see why I am nervous. Thanks for reading, I will keep you all updated on what we find out leading up to Wednesdays transfer. Yay!!!