Monday, February 20, 2012

On a Fast steady pace to transfer

  Hello again everyone, Happy Presidents Day. I hope all of you are enjoying your long weekend, I know I am. I also hope everyone had a great Valentines Day. With so many Holidays coming and going this last couple weeks has flown by for me. It is hard to believe that in a months time I will be pregnant and we will be starting the next step in this journey and what I think is the best part. I personally love to be pregnant and am very excited to be carrying the Lil beans for such amazing people. I thank Heaven everyday that we were brought together in this way. This is a dream come true for not only the IPS but for me as well. I have wanted this opportunity for a very long time and it takes very trusting people to allow someone to carry their unborn child(ren). So Thank you to both of them.
  Today I am amping up the dose of estrace to start really building up the lining of my uterus so the lil beans have a nice inviting space so they will decide to move in and sign a nine month lease. Ha Ha Ha!! I have a lining check appointment next Monday and I want that lining to be think and sticky, So please send us thick and sticky vibes. Also want to send good vibes to IM cause she has to start having 3 injections a night.(BOO)! I only have 10 more little injections left then on to the monster PIO injections and I am already thinking how much I am going to LOVE them. I will post pics of those ones when I start them on the 1st of March.
Well I gotta get back to my own little girlies, so thank you all for reading and thank you lots to the few of you that left comments.

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