Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Transfer day has come and went

Yesterday was Transfer day and everything went great. The embryos this time were even better quality than last time so the Dr. said he is very optimistic. I on the other hand am going forward cautiously optimistic.

We all wore green for good luck even my girls. They are so supportive to me in this journey. I feel blessed to have them.

Yesterday and today I'm on bed rest to make sure the lil beans have a chance to get settled in. I haven't had the cramping that I did last time so I am thinking that's a great sign. I also got some amazing homemade chicken noodle soup and lots of goodies and word searches to keep me occupied. Now we start the dreaded two week wait!!! My pregnancy test isn't until September 9th so we wait..... Or do we?? Lol anyone who knows me knows I will be testing as soon as possible here at home. So wish us luck that we get a positive test and stay that way. I have posted pics of the two lil beans we transferred and a pic of my awesome little girls in their good luck shirts. Here we go again on this amazing roller coaster ride :) :) :)


  1. I love that pic of your girls!! And those are some cute little embies!! *sticky vibes*

  2. Anxious to hear the results!
